Agile är en konkret och jordnära leveransfokuserad metod som handlar om hur vi skapar produktiva och effektiva team med inre driv. Det agila konceptet har blivit så framgångsrikt att det i vissa kretsar har blivit närmast en filosofi för hur team och organisationer kan lyckas – med stor arbetsglädje.
Vi erbjuder utbildningar för såväl arbetsteam som ledning. Du hittar dem nedan.
Agile ökar produktiviteten och gör dig och dina medarbetare nöjdare
Skapa tjänster som är meningsfulla för kunden
2-dagarskurs med intensiv träning i hur du i en affärs- eller verksamhetsutvecklande roll kan bedriva utveckling utan att tappa kundfokus.
Stärk din roll som projektledare
2-dagars basutbildning i agil projekledning med konkreta metoder och enkla praktiska verktyg.
Deep dive in every part of Lean Portfolio Management
Deep dive in every part of Lean Portfolio Management during this three day course.
The role of the Scrum Master in the wider organization
Learn about the Scrum Master role in an organization using SAFe. Unlike a traditional Scrum Master training, this SAFe Scrum Master training also explores the role of the Scrum Master in the wider organization.
Skills needed to guide and support the delivery of value
During this two-day course, you as an attendee will gain an in-depth understanding of how to effectively perform your role as an Agile Product owner.
Become certified as a SAFe Practice Consultant (SPC) and Agile Coach
In this Implementing SAFe training, attendees will learn how to utilize the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to lead a Lean-Agile transformation in their organization.
Gain in-depth understanding of the RTE role using the SAFe framework
This four-day course provides an in-depth understanding of the RTE role in the enterprise using the SAFe framework, including responsibilities and how to execute them.
Optimize your Development Value Stream
Learn how to Optimize your Development Value Stream with The SAFe DevOps course. Learn what DevOps is, why it is essential to every role, and design a continuous delivery pipeline together.
Delve deeper into the role of Release Train Engineer
This is a one-day hybrid workshop that offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the role of Release Train Engineer (RTE).
Hands-on guidance how to use Agile and Lean in the larger enterprise using SAFe
During this Leading SAFe course you will gain the knowledge necessary to lead a Lean-Agile organization by leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
Become a SAFe Architect
The SAFe® for Architects course prepares System, Solution, and Enterprise Architects to engage across the organization as effective leaders and change agents who collaboratively deliver architectural solutions.
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