Master Data Management, MDMMaster Data Management in practice

Tangible tools to get started with business-driven MDM development

Master Data Management (MDM) is often perceived as being an academic exercise or as something the IT department is responsible for. It's time to shake that view and learn about the methods and best practices in different areas of the subject to gain the real business benefits of MDM.


You will learn the key MDM concepts and models, as well as getting concrete tools to support your organization's MDM development. All stages are described through real life examples and exercises.


After the course, you will be able to operate in the different stages of MDM initiatives, all from mapping out business benefits to deploying work processes, with an understanding to its connection to the organization's strategic development activities.


The course exceeded even my high expectations! Very comprehensive, adequate, detailed and practical approach of MDM's key sub-areas in a logical order. Concreteness and practice connected to the theory!  
- Mikko Jouhtio, Development Manager, OP-Services Ltd


  • The course will give you:
  • A comprehensive understanding of Master Data, its lifecycle and the aspects related to its management
  • Knowledge about the data management process and how to implement and link IT to the business processes
  • Knowledge how to create a data governance model and how to develop data quality measurement and practices

Target audiance

All those interested in the MDM area. Suitable for people in both private and public organizations.


  • For example:
  • Development managers
  • Enterprise Architects
  • System Architects
  • Information Architects
  • System/Process Owners
  • System Specialist/Developers
  • Master Data Managers
  • Project/Program Managers
  • Various roles from the business side (Marketing, F&C, Sales, Service)


No prior knowledge is required for this course.


The course is held in English.



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