Prosci Methodology ApplicationProsci - Methodology Application Program (MAP)

Dive into Prosci’s refreshed methodology

One-day program for Prosci Certified Practitioners who are eager to dive into Prosci’s refreshed methodology. Learn about the enhancements and game-changing new tools, and how to apply them to a project for successful change outcomes.


The Prosci’s Methodology Application Program (MAP) is designed for Certified Practitioners. It teaches how to leverage Prosci’s refreshed methodology (enhanced in 2021) for more successful change outcomes. The updated Prosci Methodology is more actionable and accessible, and is supported by advanced digital content, resources and tools available in the new Prosci Hub Solution Suite.


During this one-day program, you will learn what’s new and the benefits to you and your organisation, and what this means for your change management strategy and plans. You will also learn how to apply the new methodology and associated tools to a project.

  • During this one-day intensive training experience, you will:
  • Learn the more accessible, actionable and effective Prosci 3-phase Process and plain-language questionst
  • Assess holistic project health and the definition of project success using the enhanced PCT Model and PCT Assessment
  • Evaluate a broader range of risk with easier scoring in the revised Risk Assessment
  • Develop a role roster to make it easier to identify and activate change management roles
  • Prepare a roadmap to align people-side activities and timelines to your project lifecycle
  • Build an ADKAR Blueprint for your project to activate ADKAR and inform and guide your change management plans
  • Learn how to flex the number, depth and type of change management plans
  • Establish a tracking calendar for monitoring organizational, individual and change management performance
  • Jumpstart your project using Proxima, Prosci’s new cloud-based web application for guiding and managing change on your project

Who should attend?


  • This training is for Certified Prosci Change Management Practitioners who want to:
  • Learn about the latest enhancements to the Prosci Methodology
  • Understand how to leverage these enhancements to drive more successful change outcomes
  • Bring new value to their initiatives, organisations and practice


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