As the capstone for the associate software architect curriculum this course provides the final elements necessary to the knowledge and practice of the profession. The course builds on the key skills and capabilities developed during the associate foundation courses.
During this course you will explore the software engineering and application development practices that distinguish you as a software architect. The program builds on the IT environment skills and design skills learned in the foundation associate courses.
The course includes a CITA-A certification.
Software engineering and application development practices that distinguish you as a software architect
You will explore the software engineering and application development practices that distinguish you as a software architect.
- Rise to design challenges through use of tools and methodologies
- Reduce business risks associated with building technical solutions
- Address stakeholder requirements and satisfy both functional and quality requirements
- Refer to international standards to help structure your architect team
Target Audience
All enterprise and technology architects and strategists will benefit from the concepts presented in this course.
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