Dataföreningen Kompetens AB
Dataföreningen Kompetens är godkänd ramavtalsleverantör till Vattenfall

International education for IT-architectsIasa – Solution Architecture

Associate Course

Nedan kan du läsa mer om vad tidigare deltagare tycker om Iasa – Solution Architecture.

The course was useful, inspirting and motivating. It has significantly boosted my confidence in my capability of working with Architecture.
- Participant, 2024

Excellent story telling, high knowledge and great interaction with the students.
- Participant, 2024

It was a good course. Paul is very energetic and has done this before.
- Olle Dencker, Redpill linpro, 2024

The course give good insights to the solution architect practice and how it pertains to the rest of the business in value.
- Participant, 2023

The course offers us a condensed and more focused view into this deep and multi-faceted field. We get to walk away with knowledge of how to apply a great toolbox in our architecture practices and a deeper understanding of solutions architecture as a whole.
- Participant, 2023

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